Sundy History
Taru Garden | The Cenote | Awards

The Sundy House is often called the heart and soul of Delray Beach —a grand symbol of intrinsic beauty, environmental stewardship, and historic and artistic preservation. This Victorian, Queen Anne-style house is the oldest house in Delray Beach and was built in 1902 out of Dade County pine. Delray Beach’s first Mayor, John Sundy built this home for his family and they lived here for nearly 80 years. The Sundy Home served as Delray’s first church, bank, and schoolhouse. The Sundy Family were true pioneers and engendered a spirit that is alive and well in Delray Beach today.
The beautifully restored Sundy House with its serene, magical setting is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Great care has been taken to embrace sustainability and historic preservation. Interiors merge with the surrounding beauty and incorporate natural materials such as bamboo, stone, tile, and wood. Artwork and color schemes throughout are inspired by the cultural heritage of the local community.
Nestled within our tranquil, one-acre botanical garden, Sundy House boasts an award-winning restaurant and is one of the country’s premier wedding destinations. Guests can meander down quiet coral rock paths and discover Savannah-style gazebos and benches hidden among streams and waterfalls. Our famed “Cenote,” is a naturalized, freshwater “living” pond.